
Choosing the right display unit for my device was problematic right up until the end of the end of the  project. The first unit I chose was a 20×4 LED display module with a blue backlight but I had a lot of problems just trying to work out how to connect it especially as I was hesitant about the use of soldering irons and the like. I did try to connect wires to it where appropriate but ended up damaging the unit completely.

So I looked for another display that would be easier to use and found a 16×2 LCD display shield with a built in keypad. Now I wasn’t sure if using something like this was relying on too much pre-built technology but I feel that my strengths lie in programming and not the actual building on the device and I decided to focus on my strengths. If that costs me marks that is fine by me.

Testing of the new display went  very well and also allowed me a chance to test the use of the 9V battery adapter, as I will need the device to be powered by a battery and not my computer via a USB lead. The next will involve working out what can be displayed on the screen and determining if I can use this to display a simple game.


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