
For the game portion of the project I look online for examples that people have previously created and I found a really good Snake game for a 16×2 LED display that made use of single pixels in the display but I really struggled to understand most of the code so I set about creating a very simple version of Snake that would just use the 32 available character spaces. The first task was to get was to draw and animate the snake which proved very difficult. I could get a few characters to go along the screen in a straight line but I couldn’t get them to change directions correctly or even at all.

As I was very quickly running out of time for the project I decided to use the Snake game code that I found online so that I can at least show some of the functionality I am aiming for. Here’s a link for the video source of the game: and a link to the source code source:

Now in the little time I have remaining I will try and get the tilt working so that the two functions of the project can be shown.

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