
I think it’s safe to say that I have badly managed this project and haven’t fully completed everything that I needed to have done in order to pass this course. I can make no excuses, I simply didn’t put enough time into this project at the beginning and it has left me scrambling to get at least something I can present at the last minute. I don’t know if my initial idea was too ambitious, because I managed to complete one small part of my idea pretty well but that was mostly a coding exercise after I failed to build a separate display unit and instead relying on a pre-built shield for the Arduino. The clock does work well but unfortunately I didn’t get around to the alarm system for it.

I could fill this page with things I didn’t do, but I’ll just focus on what I really should have done. First, I didn’t even attempt to make a proper enclosure for the device mainly because I wasn’t sure how and I ran out of time anyway. And really when it comes down to it, I only made a small part of what I said I would make. If (or more likely when) I have to do this again I would make far better use of my time and plan to do a bit of work on the project every week. I don’t know if I’d ever feel comfortable using solder and PCBs but I could at least try, as I also could try at making some sort of enclosure,  be it 3D printed or otherwise hand made.

The final post for this project will have a full code listing.

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